About me

Since my early childhood I have had a strong desire for harmony. When I saw pain or sorrow in my surroundings, I felt sad and could not quite understand or accept it. I kept asking “why”. During my adult life, I keep asking why, how and what could be done to contribute to the well-being of people.

Freshly graduated from medical school, I started working at a university hospital. My friends and colleagues who wanted, for example, to become ophthalmologists or cardiologists, knew that they had to train in the specialty of their choice. In my case, my preference was the totality of the person and not just an organ or a system.  There was not a paved path to follow in this direction. I had to explore. Starting training in integrative medicine was a first step.

Since the physical, emotional, mental and also spiritual levels are interconnected and interact with each other, I felt the need to follow education and trainings in all four areas in psychological and spiritual needs which makes it possible to perceive situations from wider and deeper perspectives.

The treatment strategies that I use in my practice are specifically tailored to the needs of each person, the reason they are consulting and their own frame of reference. 

“Walker, there is no path. The path is made by walking.”

Antonio Machado