Appointments, practical information and contact

When you are looking for help, it is recommendable to choose a professional Online bereavement counselling who resonates with you, with whom you feel comfortable in Psychological Care & Counselling for expats


To make an appointment you can call or e-mail to:
Phone:  +31 6 28 137 333
E-mail address:

Insurance and reimbursement

The extent to which the invoiced amount will be reimbursed by an insurance company depends on the insurance company and your coverage. 


It is advisable to check directly with your insurance company.

A referral from your general practitioner is sometimes necessary to receive reimbursement from your insurance.

Some people prefer to pay privately.


Phone:  +31 6 28 137 333

E-mail address:

Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 2
2582 NN Den Haag / The Hague
Free parking